Give Us Your Trash!

Wilmington, affectionately referred to as “the Dub” by the students who go there. Since the first day the Spring term we’ve been working with a super kick-butt group of students to bring attention to the packaging campaign and get more folks involved.

PetitionsStudents have been clipboarding all over campus, talking to their peers about the campaign and getting a crap-ton of petition signatures. Hundreds of students and faculty members have signed the pledge to save our forests and many have joined the effort as volunteers.

Today was our big Packaging Pledge Drive. We amassed a big team of clipboarders, including a lot of brand new volunteers, and took campus by storm. More than 20 student volunteers turned out to help with the effort and by 2pm, we’d had 165 students signed up to volunteer with the campaign! In addition to our hard work, we attribute our Trash Sculpturesuccesses to the awesome fast food trash sculpture of a tree that some of our stellar ladies came up with. With chicken wire and chicken nugget boxes they constructed a pretty sweet tree on Chancellor’s Walk. We solicited trash from passersby and unsuspecting diners throughout the day to add to the sculpture and by the end of the day it looked pretty wonderful. And don’t worry, unlike the fast food companies, we recycled all the paper packaging we used when we were done.

Given today’s success, things are looking mighty exciting for our Campaign Kick Off Meeting next week. Stay tuned for photos and highlights from that event!

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