Post-Election Inspiration

Post-Election Inspiration: A Statement from Dogwood Alliance Executive Director Danna Smith Following the 2016 US Presidential Election

Black Lives Matter

These last few weeks have been riddled with multiple new incidents of police shootings of black men, a horrific reminder, once again, of the need for us to stand up, speak out and unquestionably assert that Black Lives Matter. Even here in our own hometown of Asheville, NC, we pour our hearts out to the Williams family who lost Jerry last weekend.

Build a Better Future for Southern Forests

We must build a lasting legacy for our children. Together we will push back the industries that threaten our forests, and over the coming decades, we will secure the protection of millions of acres across the South, protection that values the clean air and water, climate stabilization, flood control and wildlife that standing, living forests provide.

Standing Tall On International Day of Forests, A Reminder that the US Needs to Protect its Own

Today is the International Day of Forests, a day to celebrate the ways forests sustain life on Earth. Around the globe, the prominent role forests play in the fight against climate change is at the forefront of efforts to keep global temperatures at a level that ensures an inhabitable planet. Yet, forest protection in the U.S. is barely a blip on the radar of environmental organizations, corporate sustainability leaders, and policy makers.

World Wetlands Day: US Wetland Forests are a National Conservation Priority

As we celebrate World Wetlands Day, it is appropriate to acknowledge the critical role that our wetland forests here at home play in the fight against climate change. In light of recent increased periods of drought, impending threats of sea level rise and the increasing frequency and intensity of storms, keeping wetland forests standing strong along our coasts is one of the smartest investments we can make over the coming decades to keep our coastal communities safe from the impacts of a changing climate.