What is a Regenerative Economy?

In a regenerative economy, we operate in harmony with nature. Businesses create conditions that regenerate and heal the planet. This concept builds on ecological design, which tries to restore balance […]

Southern Forests: Our Treasured Legacy to Protect

As the days get hotter, the number of Southerners standing up to protect and fight for forests increases steadily: it’s almost as if unrest is in direct proportion to the degrees on a thermometer. Summertime in the South conjures up images of being sleepy and slow-moving; and yet, the opposition to burning forests for fuel is livelier than ever.

Flashmob at Wood Pellet Biomass Conference

What Does General Mills Addressing Its Climate Impact Mean for Forests?

The issue of forest carbon in corporate supply chains has grown. Food giant General Mills has made a public commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across their entire supply chain by 28%. Because the announcement is from such a large company and for such a significant reduction, the corporate world is on notice.