Spelling Out Our Demands on KFC

Announcing a new eight part series highlighting what we are demanding KFC do to protect our forests… “KFC is as committed to the environment as we are to our food […]

Ant-biomass Lobby Takes to the Halls of Congress

Our friends at various groups around the country fighting wood-burning biomass facilities took to the halls of Congress today to lobby for the end of unjust subsidies for biomass… Anti-Biomass […]

NETWORK: Meet Melinda Welton and John Noel

John Noel and his wife Melinda Welton of Nashville, Tennessee, are avid environmentalists with many ties to groups that are making a positive difference. So why does Dogwood Alliance hold […]

ACTION: Lindsey Hits the Road

This summer and fall, Dogwood Campaign Organizer Lindsey Simerly is hitting the road — and she may just be coming to your town.