Could EU Biomass Investigation Signal Relief for Southern Forests?

The European Union (EU) Commission recently announced an investigation into the state aid provided for the world’s largest forest destroyer for electricity, Drax. The taxpayer dollars that the UK is providing Drax to convert to burning Southern US forests for electricity is another example of why this destructive industry is moving us backwards away from a healthy, truly sustainable future.

What Does General Mills Addressing Its Climate Impact Mean for Forests?

The issue of forest carbon in corporate supply chains has grown. Food giant General Mills has made a public commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across their entire supply chain by 28%. Because the announcement is from such a large company and for such a significant reduction, the corporate world is on notice.

Talking Paper and Forests in the Pacific Northwest

EPN addresses the scale of the challenges and opportunities for social justice and conservation presented by the expanding forest, pulp and paper industry. Once gain it was a pleasure to be among committed activists working to advance a common vision to transform the pulp and paper industry into a more environmentally and socially responsible force across the planet.

Beyond the Woods – Domtar and Corporate Transparency

I checked into “The Paper Trail” transparency tool from the office paper giant Domtar that operates a number of large pulp and paper mills across the US South. The Paper Trail is designed to answer three questions: “Where does my paper come from? What are the impacts of my purchase? Who are the people behind the product?”